List of equipment:
Modular Optical Tweezer System (Thorlabs-OTKB)
- High-Speed Camera with Fluorescence imaging (Thorlabs- CS505CU)
- Galvo (SG7220 – x2 SG1105 – x1)
- Objectives (100x (Plan Fluorite) 50x)
- Calibration Unit (QPD, Position Aligner)
- Data Acquisition (NI USB 6211)
- Fluorescence Microscopy Module (Thorlabs – OTKB-FL)
- Fluorescence broadband light source (Thorlabs – SLS400)
Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (Jaia Robotics)
- Ground Station (HUB)
- Control Tablet (Samsung Galaxy S6)
- Jaiabots (Quantity- 2)
Industrial Robotic Arm and End Effectors
- Universal Robotics UR10 CB
- Reference Link :
- Vacuum Gripper for UR10 CB (Robotiq Epick Vacuum Gripper 2023 S/N U-02402)
- Robotiq Hand-E Adaptive Gripper
- Force and Torque Sensor (Robotiq FT 300-S Force Torque Sensor (2022 S/N FTS-13412))
- Robotiq UR 10 wrist camera
- 3-Finger adaptable gripper
Fume Hood
- 50″ Ductless Fume Hood Includes: Model 300 Air Cleaner w/ Variable Speed Controller Containment Hood: 50″W X23.5″D X 24″H (I.D)
Biosafety cabinet for cell culturing (Labonco Purifier Class II Biosafety Cabinet)
- Labonco Purifier Class II Biosafety Cabinet